Selecting Your Printed Reusable Carrier Bags

Printed reusable carrier bags are an excellent way of promoting your business, product or service. As a multi trip packaging product it cheapens your advertising costs every time it’s used. Bearing in mind at this point it is important to gain the maximum impact visually by the choice of design and print. An eye catching graphic or image can help to promote reuse, in the same instance, no one wants to be seen with a drab piece of packaging.

The choice of materials is equally important and can determine the style of printed reusable carrier bags and the print capability in some cases. Pac-hs supply in three main types: Jute (Hessian), Cotton, and Non-Woven Polypropylene. Pac-hs also supply some specific products such as Nylon and Polyethylene Vinyl Acetate PEVA, for garment/suit covers.

Printed Reusable Carrier Bags

If any of our printed reusable carrier bag products interest you, please get in touch for a quote.

Granite | Non-Woven Polypropylene Bags

This material is soft to touch and can be made from a range of different thicknesses between 70 – 120 GSM. They are usually offered from a range of standard recoloured NWPP materials but specific colours can be supplied with minimum quantities applying to these.

The materials can be then cut and sewn to make a range of printed reusable carrier bags; Standard gusseted or non-gusseted bags with long handle or short handle bag, punched out handle bag, drawstring bag, ribbon or rope handle bag, drawstring back pack or duffle style bag, strap handle satchel or despatch courier style bag.

Sandstone | Jute Carrier Bags

This type of printed reusable carrier bag was originally favoured because of its earthy or rustic features. It was very popular for shopping bags and particularly for garden centres and greengrocers. It’s not quite as sympathetic to printing due to its high absorbency and natural background colour but, is extremely strong and durable. Developments of recent years have been to coat the inside of the bag with plastic based materials to prevent leakage of wet goods. There has also been the opportunity to select from pre-dyed materials covering over the brown coloured natural fibre of jute. The selection of the design is key to making this bag stylish.

As with NWPP this product being a sewn handmade product lends itself to being truly bespoke not just in size but also in the bags styles, which are: Standard gusseted or non-gusseted bags with long handle or short handle bags, punch out handle bags, drawstring bags.

Slate | Cotton Carrier Bags

Printed reusable carrier bags made from cotton shoppers have a tendency to be softer and easier to fold and pocket them. Having a natural off-white or cream tone makes printing less of a challenge, especially if bright colours are required. The material can be selected from different thicknesses and traditionally they have been gauged in ounces. Normally these can range between 3.5 – 7 ounces.

Once again, many of the styles which can be produced from cotton are similar to other reusable carrier bags so, for example, it is common for the following to be produced: Standard gusseted or non-gusseted bags with long handle or short handle bags, punched out handle bags, drawstring bags.

Chalk   |   Garment Bags

Garment bags are associated with the formal clothing or boutique clothing market and also in the garment cleaning sector. They are traditionally used for the protecting often expensive clothing when it is being carried or transported.

Pac-hs supply suit covers or carriers as well as bridal covers and carriers. These are produced from lightweight PEVA and non-woven polypropylene in a range of standard colours. These can be printed normally with a single colour. A cover is normally carried using the coat hanger hook whereas a carrier normally has handles as part of the packaging product. Bridal covers and carriers can be produced with a tapered style so that flowing gowns can be easily stored.

Promotional carrier bags, wholesale gift bags, paper carrier bags, printed carrier bags and wholesale shopping bags.